The NET Community is an association for Native English Teachers (NET) in the EDB NET Scheme, Direct Subsidy Schools, international schools, and private language schools as well as those serving in other full-time, or official capacity related to teaching English to get together, share experiences and build friendships in an engaging and supportive environment.
We seek to build community by organizing events where NETs can socialize and support each other. Events include meals, outings, holiday gatherings, virtual socials, special excursions, and more. We also support each other with hospital visits and professional support, as well as by maintaining relationships with relevant government agencies and organizations on behalf of members.
Currently beginning our ninth year with over 650 members, we maintain this members-only (but free) website that showcases our events and informative and fun “editorials” by NETs for NETs. We also send out periodic email notices that promote those events as well as other information of interest. Registered Society No. 57218